Browse Items (11 total)

Illustrated London News.png
This illustration of Hudson’s Bay Company’s establishment on Vancouver Island was published in The Illustrated London News in 1848. It shows Fort Victoria, accessible through Victoria Harbour and is useful in providing us with an insight into the…

Beaver Hat & Case.png
This is a beaver fur top hat and case from circa 1800s. Due to the fashion trends in the seventeenth century, there was a high demand of beaver top hats across Europe. However, beavers were essentially extinct in Europe, thus North America provided…

Fashions of Furs.png
A two page illustrated printed advertisement for the California fur fashions by Adolph Müller of San Francisco for 1868 and 1869. On the left, the illustration shows two women and a child dressed in various fur garments stood outside Adolph Müller's…

Letter from James Douglas.png
This is a letter addressed to Archibald Barclay Esquire - Secretary to the Governor and Committee, the London board of directors of Hudson’s Bay Company – from James Douglas Esquire – deputy to the chief factor of the Columbia Fur District of HBC.…

Indians and Fur Traders Meeting .png
This is a watercolour painting of Indians and Fur Traders meeting, by Peter Grant in the early nineteenth century. It is clearly visible that this meeting is somewhere with flowing water access in British Columbia as the landscape is in the forefront…

James Douglas.png
The source is the death certificate of James Douglas, who came to Canada as a fur trader in 1819 for the North West Company and became the Governor of the British Columbia colony in 1858. The certificate shows that James Douglas lived until the age…

Pelly to Grey.png
The latter denotes an enquiry to British governance, by a representative of the Hudson Bay company, about the situation of their company and its Fur trading rights in relation to the 1846 Oregon treaty and the land acquitted to British territory. The…

letter from Colvile to Pakington.png
This is a letter addressed to Sir John Pakington, secretary for war and the colonies of Lord Derby’s administration in 1852, from A. Colvile, the deputy governor of the Hudson’s Bay Company – at the time of the letter in 1852, one of the most…

Daily British Colonist .png
This is a page from the newspaper, The Daily British Colonist on 25/09/1860. The newspaper is based in Victoria, Vancouver Island, including a variety of sections, such as, ‘Advertisements’, ‘Miscellaneous’, ‘Notices’, ‘Removals’, ‘Auction’, ‘Dry &…

Traits of American-Indian .png
‘Traits of American-Indian Life and Character, by A Fur Trader’ is a first-hand account of life in nineteenth century British Columbia, by Peter Skeen Ogden (1794-1854). Ogden was a Canadian explorer and an employee of Hudson’s Bay Company, and he…
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