Browse Items (21 total)

Chinese immigrant’s identity information.png
This notebook was owned by John Mason and contains a list of Chinese immigrants and their details. These details then matched identity cards each immigrant was required to carry. The large majority are males, mainly because women and children were…

Gold pan.png
A rusted gold sifting pan. Equipment used in sifting gold by hand. Tools such as the gold pan allowed gold prospectors to sift for gold on their own, without the need for a team to operate large machinery. It also allowed prospectors to test the…

The Miner.png
This source is from The Miner, a daily newspaper in British Columbia. In one of the articles, it is mentioned that a group of missionaries were on their way to the Kootenay district to organise a systematic Chinese mission there. This points towards…

Log cabin.png
This image shows a number of miners standing within a small settlement, with a dog sledge ready to pull someone away. As well as showing the living conditions, this image also provides an example of the types of transport used. Dogsledding could be…

This source is a watercolour image set in Rossland, a mining town, in 1891. It shows a miner holding a pick axe on his shoulder, showing to the viewer of the image what can be assumed as a golden nugget. In the background is a row of wooden…

Big Bend.png
This source is an advertisement targeted towards miners, promoting a government subsidised transport links from San Francisco to Victoria and New Westminster. The advert says that there is a ‘splendid Government Wagon Road’ from Yale to Savana Ferry.…

Hot Springs.png
This newspaper shows the adverts of two different businesses, who’s main product is mining supplies. Both ‘Green Bros’ and H. Giegerich’ both supply products such as clothing, mining materials, food and dry goods. With the large influx of miners from…

Douglas to Stanley.png
This report describes a number of different aspects all related to the Fraser River. Douglas first acknowledges that a large amount of people are coming to the area from San Francisco, in order to mine for gold. Towards the end of the document,…

Chinese weighing scales.png
This is a set of Chinese weighing scales, which were used to measure the weight and worth of gold found in British Columbia. The gold found would be placed on one side of the scales, and one of the weights would be placed on the other, when both are…

Blanshard to Earl Grey.png
This letter from Richard Blanshard to Earl Grey discusses the lack of any new discoveries of gold or coal, and the competition that could soon arise from Oregon. Within the letter, Blanshard states that despite no coal has been discovered, the miners…
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