Browse Items (34 total)

railway belt.png
The source is a map showing the railway belt across British Columbia.

The map contains a coloured key showing the different areas of the land. For example, Indian reserves, forest reserves and parks and most significantly the land disposed of by…

Saw Mill.png
The source is a black and white photograph of a Saw and Pulp Mill in Port Alberni, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.

The photograph shows the coastal site of a saw and pulp mill. In the photo you can see piles of wood ready for use in…

Kamloops wawa.png
his is a newspaper advertisement in black and white from 1896, offering shorthand lessons to natives. This shows the willingness for Europeans to interact with natives by offering them lessons in shorthand English writing. The article is featured in…

Hot Springs.png
This newspaper shows the adverts of two different businesses, who’s main product is mining supplies. Both ‘Green Bros’ and H. Giegerich’ both supply products such as clothing, mining materials, food and dry goods. With the large influx of miners from…

Big Bend.png
This source is an advertisement targeted towards miners, promoting a government subsidised transport links from San Francisco to Victoria and New Westminster. The advert says that there is a ‘splendid Government Wagon Road’ from Yale to Savana Ferry.…

Planter’s Monthly.png
Hawaii was seen as ideal land for agriculture during both the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; Hawaiians had already been farming there throughout their history to great success. The establishment of agricultural businesses by Europeans and…

Gold pan.png
A rusted gold sifting pan. Equipment used in sifting gold by hand. Tools such as the gold pan allowed gold prospectors to sift for gold on their own, without the need for a team to operate large machinery. It also allowed prospectors to test the…

Canning Company from Kwong On Wo .png
This is a handwritten letter, on printed Kwong On Wo & Co letterhead paper and penned in 1901, informing the Anglo-American Canning Company of charcoal prices. A certain care in the letters presentation is noticeable with formal addressing and…

Traits of American-Indian .png
‘Traits of American-Indian Life and Character, by A Fur Trader’ is a first-hand account of life in nineteenth century British Columbia, by Peter Skeen Ogden (1794-1854). Ogden was a Canadian explorer and an employee of Hudson’s Bay Company, and he…

Indians and Fur Traders Meeting .png
This is a watercolour painting of Indians and Fur Traders meeting, by Peter Grant in the early nineteenth century. It is clearly visible that this meeting is somewhere with flowing water access in British Columbia as the landscape is in the forefront…
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