Browse Items (29 total)

Kwakwaka’wakw Mask.png
The source is a mask that was made in 1919 by Willie Seaweed. The mask depicts a face with hair; it is mainly black and grey with pops of read, orange and yellow.

As the mask was created in 1919 it is not an antique piece of artwork. Pieces like…

Fort Rupert.png
his photograph shows a group of 3 settler men sitting with 2 Native American Women and 1 indigenous Child. One man can be seen being playful with another of the men and one of the women. In the background is a shored boat, with a small log cabin…

forced haircuts.png
Black and White official copy of Letter send by William Atkinson Jones, Commissioner of Indian Affairs to superintendents of all federal reservations, dated January 1902. Commonly referred to as the ‘Haircut order’. Within the letter Jones refers…

silver print.png
The source at hand shows a young Hawaiian woman, with her breasts exposed in native Hawaiian Hula attire. The lack of westernisation in the late 19th century implies she is from a poorer class and could not afford to wear westernised clothing. This…

The object in question here is what people stereotypically associate Hawaiians with, the surfboard. The surfboard is a cultural and religious manifestation of indigenous Hawaiian people’s exceptional skills in water transport and leisure. However,…

brig Thaddeus.png
A ship twenty-four feet wide and eight-five feet long, took the first missionaries to Hawaii, including Reverend Hiram Bingham. It took a 164 day route from Massachusetts, Boston to the Hawaiian Islands.
On board the Thaddeus many letters and diary…

Ku’u Hae Aloha.png
This Hawaiian quilt has four Hawaiian national flags located around the edge with the Hawaiian coat of arms located in the center. It also has the Hawaiian phrase “Ku’u Hae Aloha” appliquéd over the coat of arms, meaning “my Beloved Flag”.


The Lei Niho Palaoa is a necklace made up of braided human hair and the ivory from whales. The necklace was mostly worn by Hawaiian nobility and was used to indicate their heritage from the Gods. However due to an increasing American influence which…

Robe made of barkcloth.png
The barkcloth also known as Tapa cloth was a common piece of cloth found in Hawaii during the years of European exploration. Barkcloth was used for many things excluding clothing such as paintings. The art of weaving barkcloth was often practiced by…

Ku-ka’ili- moku.png
The image shows a wooden figure likely to represent Ku-ka’ili- moku, the God of war. Having such a variety of these figures and having such grand figures would show the significance behind this to the people of Hawaii. This is extremely significant…
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