Browse Items (21 total)

Slave advertised for sale.png
This is a newspaper advertisement for the auction of a 'Negro' slave for $300 by his master B.G. Lathrop. The significance of the source lies in the fact that it is the first sale of a slave in California despite its declaration as a free state in…

Cariboo sentinel.png
This is a small article in the Cariboo sentinel discussing how the town has not received a copy of the new laws regarding mining on Indian gravesites. This article was written at a time of gold rush in the area and concerns the implementation of new…

Hunting for gold.png
The book details the life of a gold rush miner as he travelled through various regions in British Columbia search of gold. The context surrounding his travels through Montreal, San Francisco and other cities, is at a time where the gold rush was in…

Hot Springs.png
This newspaper shows the adverts of two different businesses, who’s main product is mining supplies. Both ‘Green Bros’ and H. Giegerich’ both supply products such as clothing, mining materials, food and dry goods. With the large influx of miners from…

Kamloops wawa.png
his is a newspaper advertisement in black and white from 1896, offering shorthand lessons to natives. This shows the willingness for Europeans to interact with natives by offering them lessons in shorthand English writing. The article is featured in…

Douglas to Stanley.png
This report describes a number of different aspects all related to the Fraser River. Douglas first acknowledges that a large amount of people are coming to the area from San Francisco, in order to mine for gold. Towards the end of the document,…

The Miner.png
This source is from The Miner, a daily newspaper in British Columbia. In one of the articles, it is mentioned that a group of missionaries were on their way to the Kootenay district to organise a systematic Chinese mission there. This points towards…

Digger Indians.png
This is a wet-plate processed photograph of a group of Indigenous people in Yosemite Valley, California. The appearance of the four subjects is muddy, with soil streaks on their faces and clothes. The title is actually a derogative term used by white…

Chinese immigrant’s identity information.png
This notebook was owned by John Mason and contains a list of Chinese immigrants and their details. These details then matched identity cards each immigrant was required to carry. The large majority are males, mainly because women and children were…

Barbary Coast Women.png
A landscape black and white photograph by Martin Behrman shot in the Barbary Coast in 1890 showing eleven women sitting together. Nine dressed in white, which could potentially be due to their profession in Barberry coast and depicted as ‘soiled…
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