Browse Items (15 total)

Barrack 9.png
This is an unframed, sketched painting depicting the new living quarters in which the Hibi family are living in at the Tanforan Assembly Center. The painting depicts several barracks which were the housing for the Japanese people within the…

Ku-ka’ili- moku.png
The image shows a wooden figure likely to represent Ku-ka’ili- moku, the God of war. Having such a variety of these figures and having such grand figures would show the significance behind this to the people of Hawaii. This is extremely significant…

silver print.png
The source at hand shows a young Hawaiian woman, with her breasts exposed in native Hawaiian Hula attire. The lack of westernisation in the late 19th century implies she is from a poorer class and could not afford to wear westernised clothing. This…

Seal Sculpture.png
This is a white marble sculpture, 3ft by 3ft by 10 inch in size. It is located at the Queen Lili’uokalani Building in Honolulu, Hawaii having been authorised in August 1949 and installed on 20/1/1950. It shows two figures guarding a crest that is…

Heiltsuk Chief’s settee.png
This source is a carved settee made by Richard Carpenter, a chief and carver of the Heiltsuk tribe. This settee was intricately carved out of wood with clear patterns and designs of birds and other animals on it. As a settee, it would have been used…

Honolulu display.png
The image clearly shows the impact the missionaries had on Hawaii. From this piece of artwork you can see the traditional Hawaiian building styles followed by western style structures in the background. This shows the occupation of the Hawaiian…

Indians and Fur Traders Meeting .png
This is a watercolour painting of Indians and Fur Traders meeting, by Peter Grant in the early nineteenth century. It is clearly visible that this meeting is somewhere with flowing water access in British Columbia as the landscape is in the forefront…

This is a photograph of Israel Sgat’iin, a Nisga’a Chief from the Nass River, taken in the 1890s. The Chief is wearing what looks like a fur robe, implying that this fur pelt must come from an animal big enough to cover a grown human being. A range…

Kamehameha I.png
This source is a portrait of king Kamehameha the Great who reigned Hawaii from 1782 to 1819. By 1810 Kamehameha was the first king to rule all the Hawaiian islands and unite the archipelago. Kamehameha upheld religion and tradition with the threat…

Kwakiutl Songs.png
The earliest surviving sound recordings from 19th century British Columbia feature a funeral song, healing incantations and a gambling song all performed by Tom Haimasela. The round phonograph cylinders were used as methods to record sound and were…
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